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Vericant secures funding to move into HE

Beijing-based admission video interview service Vericant has secured funding from venture capital firm Shunwei Capital. The undisclosed amount will be used to expand business partnerships in to the higher education sector after several years operating in the boarding school industry.

Self-service university admissions app launched

A US-based mobile software developer ModoLabs has launched a new service enabling universities to customise and create their own student recruitment applications for smartphones and tablets. Mobile Admissions was inspired by research that more than 60% of prospective college students are first introduced to a university through a mobile device.

Interns offer low-cost recruitment boost, China

Many US schools that want to recruit in China fear it will be costly and complex, the student social network Zinch China has claimed in a new report. However there are a number of effective low cost strategies schools can try, almost all involving the use of Chinese interns.


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