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StudyWorld overhauls to boost UK ed exports

StudyWorld is poised to undergo a radical transformation that repositions the event as an expo for the whole of the UK’s education exports.
September 7 2016
1 Min Read

StudyWorld, English UK’s flagship ELT workshop, is poised to undergo a radical transformation that will reposition the event as an expo for the whole of the UK’s education exports.

From 2017, StudyWorld will focus on promoting UK education only and fostering major international partnerships, using the government’s GREAT Britain branding.

“StudyWorld will showcase everything from the UK, from the broad educational sector”

“StudyWorld from next year will be the education export event from Great Britain: it will showcase everything from the UK, from the broad educational sector,” English UK’s chief executive, Sarah Cooper, told The PIE News.

As well as ELT providers, the event will also welcome universities, colleges and providers from other sectors.

Traditional agent-educator meetings will still be central to the event, but it will also open up to a much broader range of attendees including publishers, examining boards, student accommodation providers and international buyers.

“It will encourage partnerships of every variety, outside the traditional relationship that people have worked in before: there’ll be schools talking to universities; universities talking to universities,” Cooper said.

The event has also been licensed to use the Education is Great branding after working closely with UK Trade & Investment.

After nearly a decade in its current incarnation in northwest London, the event will also move to a new location – the QEII Conference Centre in Westminster.

Announcing the change at StudyWorld 2016 this week, Cooper said: “We believe it is the right time to make radical changes: we have concluded that the focus of StudyWorld should be more closely aligned to English UK’s strategy and remit, which has always been about promoting the UK and its ELT sector.

“Our new event will also better reflect the maturing international education market, enabling those across the full range of the UK education sector.”

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