The global pathway provider Study Group welcomed more than 1,500 students and 70 UK universities and institutions to its University Fair last month. International students – many from Study Group’s Bellerbys colleges – received counselling from Study Group staff, got visa and English language advice, attended seminars and met with universities.
Participating institutions included the University of Sussex, Durham University and the University of Exeter.
Study Group said the fair had given Bellerby’s students a chance to review their options.
“The Study Group University Fair is now a well established event in the university diaries here in the UK and continues to go from strength to strength,” Lisa James, Study Group’s recruitment manager and fair organiser, said.
“The Study Group University Fair is now a well established event in the university diaries”
“It is also a very important part of the Bellerbys College student experience and feedback from both parties is always hugely positive.
“The students get an important opportunity to meet with the universities face to face and the universities are always impressed both with the quality and the focus of the students who attend”.
Study Group, which also runs the ELT chain Embassy CES among other brands, said enrolments across its group had risen from 55,000 worldwide in 2009-10 to 60,000 this summer (although it would not reveal enrolments for its pathways alone).
In the last 12 months the company has expanded its UK operations, teaming with Royal Holloway University and the University of London, as well as Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin in Ireland.
Details of Study Group’s next fair in the New Year will be released soon said the company.