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Quentin Stevenson-Perks, Austrade

Increasingly, international students are looking for an ROI on their education and are looking for a better future. It’s one thing to receive their education here, the question is 'then what?'
March 2 2012
4 Min Read

Quentin Stevenson-Perks has been responsible for promoting Australian education around the globe since July 2010. He talks with The PIE about the downturn in numbers, regulation reform and Australia’s Future Unlimited campaign.

The PIE: What does your role involve at Austrade?

QSP: I am the International Education Group Manager and oversee Australian operations and the offshore education network for Australia’s trade and investment development agency the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade).

The PIE: How big is that offshore network?

QSP: Austrade is represented in 92 locations across 52 countries. We have three clusters of markets: one in established Markets in North America, Europe and Japan; a second in East Asian Growth Markets –  South East Asia and North Asia; and the third in  growth and emerging markets – the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and South Asia.

The PIE: How did you get involved in this role?

QSP: In my previous role I represented the Australian Department of Education in New Delhi and Beijing for nearly eight years.  On 1 July 2010 responsibility for the international marketing and promotion of Australian education moved from the Department of Education to Austrade and I joined the organisation at that time.

The PIE: Did the move to Austrade dovetail with the industry’s problems [running into slowdown etc]?

We’re looking to help raise recognition by employers of the value of Australian qualifications

QSP: In 2010 we dealt with the repercussions arising from problems with Indian students in 2009, and a small number of high profile college closures. Also, the strength of the Australian  economy saw a stronger Australian  dollar, so some of the current issues were longer-term in development.

The PIE: The Australian industry seemed well supported and well regulated [to us in the UK] so were these problems a surprise?

QSP: The international education sector was growing very rapidly. Between 2002-2011 the annual growth rate was 17% compound; that meant that the number of student enrolments went from 275,000 to 550,000.  With such fast growth came some issues over our regulatory framework.

So the Government initiated the Baird review in 2009 to look at governance arrangements that reflected current conditions in the sector.

The PIE: Was it the wrong operators or the wrong sort of students that was the problem?

QSP: Neither. We had some good operators who found that their circumstances had changed and business was not sustainable.

The PIE: Wasn’t it the case that the VET [vocational] sector saw a lack of regulation?

Institutions in some cases formed a business model based around a flow of students that did not materialise or was not sustainable. I wouldn’t single out the VET sector, we have a strong mix of public and private VET operators and our international sector is extremely competitive.

Students seeking post-graduate work opportunities are not necessarily seeking permanent residency

The PIE: How is Australia reacting to this downturn in terms of overhauling visa policy?

QSP: In 2011 the Australian Government initiated a review of its student visa programme. The review was undertaken by Michael Knight, the former New South Wales Sydney Olympics Minister. He came up with 41 recommendations which were all accepted by the Government – his tenets were ‘how to balance integrity in our student visa system and remain internationally competitive’.

The PIE: I know work rights in Australia have become more widely available..

QSP: Knight found that students seeking post-graduate work opportunities are not necessarily seeking permanent residency. What he recognised is that they often want to take advantage of work opportunities in Australia to develop their CVs and gain valuable work experience. [more>>]

QSP: This reform was introduced for university applicants in December 2011 and the streamlining of visa processing for university applicants also comes on stream in April 2012.  So it’s a fairly quick change of pace: the government commissioned a review in January 2011, Mr Knight’s response came in July 2011, the government responded in September 2011 and now we have already rolled out some major changes to the policy settings.

The government is also conducting a medium-term to long-term review of visa policy through another review. So considering our [government’s action], I think the future looks extremely bright for Australia.

The PIE: Short-term streamlining of visa processing for university students; what does this mean?

QSP: It’s an interim measure. Knight said that it was possible in the short-term to look at [tertiasry students’] entry in a more relaxed category, subject to the universities complying with a strict range of conditions. This comes into operation in early April 2012. In the meantime we’re having a longer-term review of visas for all sectors. This is due by the middle of this year.

The PIE: So there will be more focus on institutions’ compliance to rules?

QSP: In terms of streamlining visa processing, the Department of Immigration oversees that, but as I understand it there will be criteria against which institutions will be judged. In 99.9% of cases they won’t have any problems. So that’s the philosophy – that there will be some balance of risk.

“That’s the philosophy – that there will be some balance of risk”

The PIE: Let’s talk about the new branding and campaign. How much was spent on the new video?

QSP: It was under AUS$400,000 which is extremely cost effective for such a high quality two-and-a-half minute video using the best Australian talent: M&C Saatchi, Animal Logic and composer Johnny Green. It’s a call to action around our new brand and reflects our change of positioning.

It’s no longer the ‘destination call’ – with the kangaroo. Future Unlimited, which we launched last year, is about ‘Where can an Australian education take you?’

The PIE: What made Austrade decide on the Future Unlimited brand?

QSP: Increasingly international students are looking for an ROI on their education and are looking for a better future. It’s one thing to receive their education here, the question is ‘then what?’. They are after relevant education in what is an increasingly globally connected world.

Future Unlimited, which we launched last year, is about ‘Where can an Australian education take you?’

We really believe that we have to incorporate this philosophy [in our message]. The Study in Australia logo served us well for over 10 years but we’re talking about a more sophisticated, better informed consumer – they are looking at prospects and want a demonstrable return on investment. And Future Unlimited takes us into new space.

The PIE: What else are you up to?

QSP: So we’re organising a careers fair in Shanghai with an online human resources company and Chinese, multinational and Australian corporates and Australian universities attending. Recent international graduates of Australian universities can post their CVs online prior to the event and come together in April to meet potential employers.

We’re looking to help raise recognition by employers of the value of Australian qualifications in one of the toughest job markets in the world. We are seeking to support Australian graduates who have returned to China. It’s saying ‘We are here to assist’.

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