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Germany pledges more funds for Rwanda VET

Germany has committed more than $25m to benefit local partner organisations in a bid to boost technical and vocational education in Rwanda.
August 18 2016
1 Min Read

Germany has committed more than $25m to boost technical and vocational education in Rwanda, German Development Minister Gerd Müller has announced.

While on a trip to Kigali, Müller negotiated with Rwanda’s Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Claver Gatete to provide $84m in development funding, a third of which will be designated for VET.

Speaking after the meeting, Gatete said technical and vocational training is becoming very important to the country. The Rwandan government’s target is to have 60% of the student population enrolled in a TVET school by 2017.

“In addition to the high skills, these trainings provide the lower and middle level skills that are needed for any economy to grow”

“The whole industrial sector requires people who are highly qualified, that’s why, in addition to the high skills, these trainings provide the lower and middle level skills that are needed for any economy to grow,” said Gatete.

The grant is a continuation of Germany’s support for VET in the country. This year, 40 trainers from Germany will visit Rwandan TVET institutions, while 50 Rwandan trainers will receive hands-on training at German companies.

Müller said the money will benefit local partner organisations, not the government, in order to avoid corruption. Investments will be made in equipment, the rehabilitation of existing facilities, and hands-on preparation of trainers in Rwanda and Germany.

The goal of funded projects is to ensure trainers at TVET schools are skilled and can offer high level quality teaching adapted to the needs of the Rwandan labour market.

In light of Rwanda’s open business climate, tax incentives and low crime and corruption rates, Müller has called for a “special German economic zone“ in Kigali’s industrial park to attract private German investments.

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