David Game College, an international school in the heart of London’s financial district, has signed an MoU with Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences, to offer ‘top-up’ programs to Dutch students, and further courses to other international students.
The Apeldoorn-based HEI will make some ‘top-up’ courses available in London, for students who have three years of higher education experience and are a small number of credits away from gaining a bachelor’s degree; or who are seeking a second bachelor’s in a different field.
“They will share certain subjects with the Higher National Diploma [students]”
These will all be part of IBAs, or business-focused bachelor’s degrees.
The courses will be available in Marketing and Communication, Economics and management, Entrepreneurship, an Hospitality management.
Alongside Dutch students who wish to add an international experience to their undergraduate studies, Wittenborg hopes to attract international students from further afield to “Study in Holland – in London”.
The majority of teaching staff for the Wittenborg courses will be provided by the Dutch university, though current teachers at the London school have been encouraged to apply for roles in relevant subjects, according to David Game and Niel Pama, of the David Game College.
The deal came about through an existing relationship between Peter Birdsall and the College, and was inspired by the challenges facing European education, such as hugely different tuition fee structures in different nations, according to the school’s business development director, Niel Parma.
“Instead of cursing these Dutch universities with a lower price, why not work together? London still has that draw card… people still want to come and study in London,” he said.
Although it will start small, with only one cohort of around 30 students expected to start studying in London in February 2019, Parma and Game expect the fertile space and opportunity to grow swiftly.
“They will start off small – they will only have one cohort of students in one classroom… about thirty students. And then spread out from there,” Parma told The PIE News.
This will mean Wittenborg students will study alongside David Game College students, Game himself explained.
“They will share certain subjects with the Higher National Diploma [students]. So you can have students from four different degrees studying one subject here in London,” he said.
It is not Wittenborg’s first international foray, despite the institution’s small size and private structure. September 2017 marked the opening of Wittenborg’s IBC in Vienna, Austria. The campus offer IBA and MBA programs, as well as study abroad semester opportunities for Amsterdam or Apeldoorn based students.