Students globally will be able to discover “extraordinary opportunities” to enrol at community colleges thanks to a new collaboration, two associations said as they announced their partnership.
The Community Colleges for International Development – the international association of community, technical, and vocational institutions – will collaborate with American International Recruitment Council on expertise sharing, developing new resources and programs specific to international enrolment management at community colleges, and numerous opportunities for members to connect and collaborate.
The affiliation will “greatly enhance” the ability for students and families to discover and pursue community college education, the partners added.
“CCID’s collaboration with AIRC will enable community colleges to draw on some of the best expertise in international student recruitment as they share the incredible opportunities available at today’s community colleges with prospective students,” said Stephanie Kelly, executive director of CCID.
“Together, AIRC and CCID will help to expand high quality educational opportunities for international students by helping to enhance international recruitment and enrolment capacity at community colleges,” added Brian Whalen, AIRC executive director.
Members will also be able to participate in each association’s annual conference.
CCID supports its members to build capacity for comprehensive internationalisation, partnership development, education abroad and international student recruitment.