Strasz Assessment Systems, US. Rory McCorkle has joined Strasz Assessment Systems as VP of business development. Strasz’s software solutions support assessment organisations with item creation, item banking, test delivery, scoring, and psychometric processes, helping these organisations manage one of their greatest assets, their IP. In this role, Rory will support Strasz’s clients and prospect with their assessment strategies and needs. In addition, Rory took the role of Chair of the Board of the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) in January. ATP is an international trade association focused to promote and develop testing and assessment best practices, while working to promote assessment benefits to test takers, educational institutions, corporations, and society at large. Rory has supported the education and assessment sectors for over 20 years, most recently at PSI Services, but also organizations such as the Project Management Institute (PMI), IEEE, and Prometric. Throughout his career, he has been an active volunteer with ATP, ICE, and many other educational and assessment organisations.