ECE, UK.  Margaret Wenger has been in the field of international credential evaluation since 1990, having previously worked in Togo and Japan. After many years at Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE) as an evaluator, senior evaluator, and senior director of evaluation, she is now ECE’s senior director of information and knowledge. In her new role Margaret will focus on providing international education professionals with resources and up-to-date information on evaluation methods, trends, and processes. She is the author of ECE Presents: The Educational System of Tunisia and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Its Educational System and Methods of Evaluation, and has contributed to other publications. She leads TAICEP’s (The Association for International Credential Evaluation Professionals) Digital Student Data initiatives and serves on the board of directors of the Groningen Declaration Network. “As international education changes, I am excited to find new ways to share ECE’s expertise and knowledge with others in international education, and work with colleagues around the world to further the possibilities of technology, cooperation, and outreach to support international learner mobility.”