University of Essex, UK. Kristi joined the University of Essex as Essex Abroad Manager in February to oversee a team of seven in the mobility of exchange students, short term opportunities, and the management of the International Exchange Partnerships. Kristi has had a varied career of 15 years since graduating from UEA with BA Hons Interior and Spatial Design; from working in industry, to Senior Management as a Secondary School Teacher, including working for Pearson Education as a Qualification Delivery and Awarding Manager. Through working in the corporate industry and having 11 years’ experience in education, Kristi decided that her next challenge was to combine the two which the role as Essex Abroad Manager provides. Kristi is very enthusiastic, dedicated, self-motivated, thrives when working with a team and enjoys being challenged. She is passionate about education, management and leadership, and staff development; providing high quality outcomes, particularly with developing and implementing strategies to support others and improve stakeholder experience.