M Square Media, Global. President and Vice-chancellor of Cape Breton University David C. Dingwall has joined M Square Media International Advisory Board. At MSM, David brings his significant public and private sector portfolios to guide and mentor the organisation, which provides student recruitment, agent management and marketing solutions to some 40 universities and colleges in support of their internationalisation efforts. “Bringing students from all over the world to Canada, and to Cape Breton University, to pursue a post-secondary education is changing the face of our community and impacting the prosperity of our communities and our people,” David said. “I am proud to work with the MSM International Advisory Board, one that is an international leader in ensuring learners from around the globe can unlock their potential.” With its head office in Kelowna, British Columbia, MSM establishes global and country offices acting on behalf of its institution partners to provide recruitment and administrative support globally, whether in India, the Indian Subcontinent, Africa, or other high-growth markets worldwide.