BrandEd Holdings, US. Brandon Busteed has been named the CEO of BrandEd, a family-owned education company which delivers experiential courses taught by industry experts from the world’s best brands including Sotheby’s, Conde Nast, The New York Times and City Football. Brandon is a mission-driven education and workforce development leader who has been part of successful runs as an entrepreneur of an EdTech company and an executive at two large, well-known organisations. He is a huge champion of work-integrated, experiential learning who believes the future won’t distinguish between places of learning and places of work. Prior to BrandEd, Busteed served as Chief Partnership Officer and Global Head of Learn-Work Innovation
at Kaplan where he led all of Kaplan’s work serving universities and companies, leveraging the organisation’s highly-diversified, global educational offerings and insights. An internationally known speaker and author on education and workforce development, he has published more than 300 articles and keynoted more than 200 conferences. He is a LinkedIn “Top Voice” and frequent contributor to